My Morning Jacket live at the Showbox, Seattle, WA, May 11, 2004© Ames Design 2004
Posted by PapaJoeBear at the My Morning Jacket Forum: OK folks. I went to the Seattle show. Would have posted last night, but got in real late. I got Patricks setlist, so here it is: One Big Holiday O is the One That is Real Dancefloors How Do YOu Know One In The Same Death Is The Easy Way It Beats 4 (new song) THe Way That He Sings Lowdown Strangulation (full band) Steam Engine Run THrough Cobra Encore Oxen Golden (full band) Mahgeeta What an amazing show. This was my 3rd MMJ show, and it far surpassed the other 2, which were both amazing shows in their own right. The band seems to be really feeling it. It would be impossible to pick a high point in the show. They were selling the new ep for % bucks, and if you bought it you got a tag to hang around your neck for a cd and poster signing after the show. It kind of looks like a backstage pass. Very cool. GOt a poster signed by all the boys. Patrick said he noticed me groove in the front durring the show, and wrote under his name "thanks for dancin'!" Also very cool. The crowd was huge; much larger than the last show at the Showbox. There WAS tapers at this show. I saw no less than 3 mic poles up around the soundboard. My buddy Matt spoke with a gentleman who taped the show, and gave him his email addy, so I' let you guys know if we get the show, and possibly post it in BT form or something. Also got lots of pics with my cheesy camera phone. When I can figure out how to do it, I'll post some up here. Anyways, drop whatever you doing and go get tickets for the tour. Will not be a letdown! Peace, PapaJoeBearMy Morning Jacket Live 2004