the My Morning Jacket Showfinder 2000![]()
a compilation of all known My Morning Jacket shows, setlists, and recordings
last updated: February 20, 2007
please note that the My Morning Jacket Showfinder is no longer available ... this is just an archived page ...
... all information can now be found at the official site's archive!part of "I Will Be There When You Die", the My Morning Jacket live archive 1999-2004
and the second edition of "From Nashville To Kentucky", the illustrated My Morning Jacket discography 1999-2006
All results are displayed in chronological order only!
Linked dates will direct you to more information about that particular date (1999-2004 only).
And please read this note about all listed recordings!
... the listing of recordings is a work in progress; so far only the years 1999-2002 have said information ...
Total number of records: 623 Matching records: 57
January 6, 2000 - Fireside Bowl, Chicago, ILno setlist
no recording known
January 8, 2000 - Rudyard Kipling, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
January 13, 2000 - Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
January 26, 2000 - "De Avonden", VPRO Radio 5, Studio Amstel, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsInterview and session (broadcast in three parts): Heartbreakin' Man / At Dawn / Evelyn Is Not Real / Rocket Man (Elton John cover) / I Think I'm Going To Hell / Xmas Curtain // Picture Of You / Old September Blues / The Bear // War Begun / Honest Man
AM cable recording available at the Live Music Archive
January 26, 2000 - "Club Lek", VPRO Radio 3FM (live on the air), Studio Amstel, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsStrangulation / By My Car / Picture Of You / War Begun / Evelyn Is Not Real / Heartbreakin Man / It's About Twilight Now / I Will Be There When You Die
FM/RA recording available at the Live Music Archive
January 27?, 2000 - Radio Rijnmond, Rotterdam, The Netherlandsexact details unknown
I Will Be There When You Dieno recording known; the listed track is heard for a short bit in the Dutch VPRO TV documentary "Lola Da Musica"
January 27, 2000 - Rotown, Rotterdam, The Netherlandsincomplete
At Dawn / Old September Blues / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / One Big Holiday / I Will Sing You Songs / War Begun / By My Car / Tyrone (Erykah Badu cover) / The Bear / ... / Lil Billy(incomplete) soundboard recording made; not known to be in circulation
"Old Sept Blues", "Tyrone', "Lil Billy", and "War Begun" are to be seen and heard (partially) in the Dutch VPRO TV documentary "Lola Da Musica",
and "Old Sept Blues" has been officially released on the "Heartbreakin Man" EP (see discography)
January 28, 2000 - Vera, Groningen, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
January 29, 2000 - "De Nachten" festival, De Singel, Antwerp, BelgiumIn the early evening (around 19:00 CET) of January 29, 2000 a session (and maybe an interview) was aired on Studio Brussel. The following tracks have been aired again on January 30, 2000 in the Studio Brussel program "Club Brussel live op de Nachten"
Old September Blues / It's About Twilight NowFM recording available at the Live Music Archive
January 29, 2000 - "De Nachten" festival, De Singel, Antwerp, BelgiumA full set was played at the festival later that evening (starting around 23:00 CET)
Tuning guitars + 'White Rabbit' (Jefferson Airplane) / Evelyn Is Not Real / Picture Of You / Weeks Go By Like Days / The Bear / The Dark / Heartbreakin Man / One Big Holiday / I Will Sing You Songs / Honest Man / Lil Billyaudience recording available at the Live Music Archive
January 30, 2000 - "Les Nuits Du Paradis" festival, Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
January 31, 2000 - Paradiso (kleine zaal), Amsterdam, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
March 11, 2000 - Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
April 1, 2000 - Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
April 3, 2000 - 013 (kleine zaal), Tilburg, The Netherlandsno setlist
audience recording made; not known to be in circulation
April 5, 2000 - "2 Meter Sessie", Byton Studios, Loosdrecht, The Netherlandsradio session, partially broadcast on Dutch FM radio
War Begun / Old September Blues / Picture Of You / Phone Went West / Lil Billy / It’s About Twilight Now / The Bear / I Will Be There When You Die (Jim solo) / They Ran (Jim solo) / I Think I’m Going To Hell (Jim solo) / Nashville To Kentucky (Jim solo) / Nashville To Kentucky (Jim + J)FM recordings available at the Live Music Archive: source 1 (4 tracks) - source 2 (6 tracks)
"I Will Be There When You Die" has been officially released on the European version of My Morning Jacket's Xmas EP,
and on the "Ch. 2: Learning. Early Recordings" CD (as "I Will Be There When You Die/Sunrides And The Girls Scream (live)" on the latter);
"Old September Blues" has been officially released on the Dutch various artists compilation CD "2 Meter Sessies Volume 10" (see discography)
April 6, 2000 - Nighttown (Theater), Rotterdam, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
April 7, 2000 - 4AD Club, Diksmuide, Belgiumno setlist
no recording known
April 8, 2000 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlandsincomplete, these songs were broadcast on Dutch FM radio
What Will I Do / I Will Sing You Songs / War Begun / I Will Be There When You Die / It's About Twilight NowFM recording available at the Live Music Archive
April 9, 2000 - "Zondagskint", VARA Radio 3FM, The Netherlandsradio session
The Bear / They Ranno recording known, although "They Ran" has been officially released on the "Heartbreakin Man" EP (see discography)
April 9, 2000 - Doornroosje (Emergency Music Ward), Nijmegen, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
April 10, 2000 - "Puls", Studio Brussel, Brussels, BelgiumJim James solo acoustic radio session
Interview / I Will Be There When You Die / They Ran / The BearFM recording available at the Live Music Archive
April 11, 2000 - Monty Kultuurfaktorij, Antwerp, Belgiumno setlist
no recording known
April 12, 2000 - Tom Tom Club, Heythuysen, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
April 13, 2000 - Effenaar, Eindhoven, The Netherlandsno setlist
audience recording made; not known to be in circulation
April 14, 2000 - Burgerweeshuis, Deventer, The Netherlandsno setlist
no recording known
April 15, 2000 - Ancienne Belgique Club, Brussels, BelgiumThe Dark / The Bear / Lowdown / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / Picture Of You / I Will Sing You Songs / War Begun / Tyrone (Erykah Badu cover) / Heartbreakin Man / Phone Went West / Honest Man (Honesty) / It's About Twilight Now / Just Because / Lil Billy / Tequila Sunrise (Eagles cover) / I Will Be There When You Die / Weeks Go By Like Days / Xmas Curtain / Hot Legs (Rod Stewart cover)
audience recording available at the Live Music Archive
April 16, 2000 - Theater Romein, Leeuwarden, The NetherlandsThe Dark / The Bear / Lowdown / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / Weeks Go By Like Days / By My Car / Picture Of You / I Will Sing You Songs / War Begun / There's Just One Thing / Tyrone (Erykah Badu cover) / Heartbreakin Man / Xmas Curtain / Phone Went West / Honest Man / It's About Twilight Now / Just Because / Lil Billy / Easy (Commodores cover) / I Will Be There When You Die
audience recording made and in circulation
May 4, 2000 - Rudyard Kipling, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
May 13, 2000 - Rudyard Kipling, Louisville, KYWeeks Go By Like Days / The Dark / War Begun / Honest Man / Heartbreakin Man / It's About Twilight Now / Lil Billy
audience recording available at the Live Music Archive
May 15, 2000 - Stagedoor Johnnies, Louisville, KYJim James solo acoustic
show announced by Jim at the end of the Rudyard Kipling show two days before, further details unknown
no setlistno recording known
June 3, 2000 - Phoenix Hill, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
June 17, 2000 - World Fest, Louisville, KYoutdoor
no setlistno recording known
June 23, 2000 - Rudyard Kipling, Louisville, KYshort acoustic set
no setlistno recording known
July 7, 2000 - "Swingin' Groningen", Grote Markt, Groningen, The Netherlandsfree outdoor festival
The Dark / Lowdown / The Bear / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / Phone Went West / War Begun / Honest Man / Lil Billy / Heartbreakin Man / It's About Twilight Now(incomplete) soundboard recording made; not known to be in circulation
(complete) audience recording made and in circulation
July 8, 2000 - Cactus Festival, Minnewaterpark, Brugge, Belgiumoutdoor
One Big Holiday / Lowdown / The Dark / The Bear / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / Phone Went West / War Begun / Honest Man / Lil Billy / It's About Twilight Now / I Will Be There When You Die / Tyrone (Erykah Badu cover)audience recording made and in circulation
on stage video recording made; not known to be in circulationa short piece of MMJ at the Cactus Festival has been shown on the Belgian TV station "FOCUS" (a small regional channel), including a short interview with Jim backstage
July 9, 2000 - Straat Festival, Arsenaal, Vlissingen, Hollandscheduled to be outdoor, but moved inside the Arsenaal, because of bad weather
The Dark / Lowdown / The Bear / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / Phone Went West / War Begun / Honest Man / Just Because I Do / Lil Billy / Heartbreakin Man / It's About Twilight Now // Xmas Curtain / One Big Holiday / I Will Be There When You Die (Jim James solo acoustic)on stage video recording made; not known to be in circulation
August 31, 2000 - Phoenix Hill Tavern, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
September 22, 2000 - Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
September 29, 2000 - Phyllis' Musical Inn, Chicago, ILno setlist
no recording known
September 30, 2000 - Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KYno setlist
no recording known
October 9, 2000 - Bottom Of The Hill Club, San Francisco, CAno setlist
no recording known
October 10, 2000 - Silverlake Lounge, Los Angeles, CAno setlist
no recording known
October 12, 2000 - Modified Club, Phoenix, AZno setlist
no recording known
October 14, 2000 - 33 Degrees Record Shop, Austin, TXno setlist
no recording known
October 15, 2000 - "Local Live" radio session for KVRX 91.7 FM Austin, TXin studio live performance for KVRX, Student Radio for the University of Texas
The Dark / Lowdown / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / Honest Man / Interview / One Big Holiday / The Bear / War Begun / Tyrone (Erykah Badu cover) / It's About Twilight Nowpre-FM recording available at the Live Music Archive
"Tyrone" has been officially released on the "Little Darla Has A Treat For You v.17" CD, and on the "Ch. 2: Learning. Early Recordings" CD;
"The Bear" has been officially released on the "KVRX 91.7 FM presents local live v.6 unlimited bandwidth" 2CD (see discography)
October 16, 2000 - Room 710, Austin, TXno setlist
no recording known
October 22, 2000 - Phoenix Hill Tavern, Louisville, KYbenefit for WFPK Radio, "Clash or Cash Benefit"
no setlistno recording known
October 27, 2000 - "Live Lunch", WFPK Radio, Louisville, KYin studio live performance
The Dark / Lowdown / Picture Of You / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / One Big Holiday / Interview / The Bear / War Begun / Honest Man / It's About Twilight NowFM recording available at the Live Music Archive; upgrade to be available soon!
October 28, 2000 - Earlham College, Richmond, INno setlist
no recording known
November 3, 2000 - Live At Moms Music, New Albany, INno setlist
no recording known
November 19, 2000 - Benefit for Juvenile Diabetes, Headliners Music Hall, Louisville, KY(last show w/ Jeremy on drums!)
Honest Man / One Big Holiday / The Dark / Lowdown / The Bear / Evelyn Is Not Real / Old September Blues / War Begun / Lil Billy / It's About Twilight Now(on stage) video recording made; not known to be in circulation
December 13, 2000 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsJim James solo, Kurt Wagner opening
no setlistno recording known
December 14, 2000 - Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, BelgiumJim James solo, opening for Billy Bragg
"What Goes Up, Must Come Down" (cover) (short piece as intro) / War Begun / Lowdown / Hopefully / The Bear / Bermuda Highway / Suspicious Minds ("Elvis Presley" cover) / It's About Twilight Nowaudience recording made and in circulation
December 15, 2000 (early) - Ancienne Belgique Club, Brussels, BelgiumJim James solo, opening for Kurt Wagner
Up On Cripple Creek (The Band cover) / Blue Moon Of Kentucky (Bill Monroe cover) / Lowdown / Hopefully / The Bear / The Way That He Sings / Bermuda Highway / I Will Be There When You Die / Lil Billy / Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath cover) / I Think I'm Going To Hell / Suspicious Minds ("Elvis Presley" cover)audience recording made and in circulation
December 15, 2000 (late) - 4AD Club, Diksmuide, BelgiumJim James solo
no setlist
December 17, 2000 - "Duyster Session", Studio Brussel, Brussels, BelgiumJim James solo acoustic radio session
Hopefully / Lowdown / The Way That He Sings / InterviewFM recording made and in circulation
Total number of records: 623 Matching records: 57
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© 2000-2007
thanks to the folks at the forum for (help on) the 2005, 2006, and Fall 2006 setlists (follow the links for some statistics)!